Celý měsíc květen jsme věnovali poznávání naší obce. Nejen její historie, ale také její současnosti. Děti představovaly svá oblíbená a zajímavá místa. Ty jsme si společně vyfotografovali nebo namalovali. Pomocí modelíny jsme vytvořili jednotlivé domečky, ale i plán části obce.Povídali jsme si také o profesích, které můžeme v naší obci nalézt. Všechny tyto činnosti a poznatky nám pomohly při tvorbě prezentace o obci Kožušany - Tážaly.
All month May we attended to learning about our village, their history and present too. Children spoke about their favourite places. We took number of photos or we painted this places. Through the use of plasticine we made individual houses and a village dummy. We talked about jobs, that we in our village find can. All these activities and knowledges help us by creation our presentation about village Kožušany - Tážaly.
All month May we attended to learning about our village, their history and present too. Children spoke about their favourite places. We took number of photos or we painted this places. Through the use of plasticine we made individual houses and a village dummy. We talked about jobs, that we in our village find can. All these activities and knowledges help us by creation our presentation about village Kožušany - Tážaly.