7.října jsme společně zahájili projekt WINDOW – OKNO.
Děti z 1. a 2. ročníku namalovaly vlajky spolupracujících zemí a Evropské unie. Starší žáci prezentovali své projekty o Polsku, Maďarsku, České republice a Evropské unii. Zajímavé informace vyhledávali především na internetu. Společně jsme si o těchto zemích a novém projektu popovídali a naučili se poznávat vlajky.
7.10.we started project WINDOW at the elementary school. Children from the first and the second class drew flags of partners countries and EU. The older children presented their projects about Poland, Hungary, Czech republic and EU. They found out interesting informations from internet. We together talked about this countries and the new project and learnt about the flags.
The principal headmaster from the Polish school visited our school this day too. She gave some presents for us. Children from the third and the fourth class read the fairy- tale in the Polish language „ Czerwony Kapturek“ and they learnt the first Polish words.
We together decorated our school.
The principal headmaster from the Polish school visited our school this day too. She gave some presents for us. Children from the third and the fourth class read the fairy- tale in the Polish language „ Czerwony Kapturek“ and they learnt the first Polish words.
We together decorated our school.
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